I am a huge fan of anthropologie. The catalogs are so beautiful. I keep back issues and use them for inspiration in my own design work. This handbag is from the summer '05 issue. I wanted it but did not want to pay full price for it. As far as I know it never went on sale. As I still want one of these, I decided to make one like it. I know right. I-d-e-n-t-i-c-a-l. I can hardly tell the two apart. Oh, not so much? Hey, I already had this fabric. I did not have any vintage kimono fabric that is just a shade off watermelon. The project really went south when I realized I had a vintage silk tie that matched perfectly, and was crying out to be bag handles. Voila.
You know I'm not really seeing it either. I'm not quite sure how this happened. Back to the
drawing board.