Sunday, August 23, 2009

Recession Garden

A little before and after of the other big project that I've been working on.

Growing up we always had a garden.
I did not enjoy the process. It was always hot, and it seemed that the work was never ending. I did enjoy picking and eating the veggies that were ready, usually right there in the garden.

I have enjoyed the garden this summer. I am amazed that this little (actually not so little) garden has done so well. It helped that we started with really good soil. It seems that I retained some of the skills that I acquired while part of Mom's crew.

This is part of my crew. They do not really enjoy the process either. In fact, they prefer to observe from a distance, while wearing their pajamas.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Print and Pattern photos

As soon as I go through some photos I will post here and on flickr. I have some fun stuff to share. This represents my creative time for the last month or so. I feel ready to move on.

As the nights get cooler, I find myself thinking about winter fabric, vintage velvet, wool pencil skirts, trousers, vests, and tights.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Simplicity 2593

I am going to risk over using the el word. I love... this shirt pattern. I knew when it was first released that I would have to work it up. Yup, no changes, just exactly as it is featured on the pattern cover. The fabric that I used was thrifted. It is vintage 1989 Lorber Industries of California 6698 "Chambrey Stripe". I made this as part of the print and pattern collection that I've been working on.

The pattern is getting favorable reviews. You can find it here, here, here, and here. If you have made a Cynthia Rowley top, leave me a comment and let me add you to the list. I almost said, I would love to add you to the list.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Beet Salad

Check out these beets. They are not from my garden, and although I am now harvesting my own beets, I am still choosing to post this photo. Why? because my beets aren't as pretty. There you have it- I'm not proud, I'm just telling it like it is. To give credit where credit is due, the beets are from Stone Free Farm.

The beets found their way into this salad. Isn't it pretty? So... I had to take its picture. In the process I am interrupted by Hanna.
Hanna: What are you doing?
Mom: Taking a picture of this salad.
Hanna: Seriously? Why?
Mom: Because it is so pretty.
Hanna: Jaron... Mom is taking a picture of her salad.
Jaron: Why?
Mom: Because it is so pretty?
Jaron: Are you putting that on your blog?
Mom: Maybe?
Jaron: Who does that???

When the Dad got home he was barely through the door before he was informed that Mom took a picture of her salad and then posted it on the Internet. A plenty lengthy debate then ensued regarding the posting of your dinner and who really wants to read about it. Is there a possibility that mom's loosing it? Of course I'm over here defending myself. Explaining that lots of people post their dinner on the net. (Hey, I know who you are, I read your blog.) What I didn't realize of course, is that you are taking the pictures of your food,
after the children have gone to bed.