Monday, July 20, 2009

Print and Pattern

I love to look at fashion storyboards- fashion storyboard: a summary of your collection's inspiration and theme- I also like to create them. It seems to help keep me focused. This particular storyboard was taken when some of the items were works in progress, but you get the general idea.
The market tote ends up looking like a similar version of this one. The project is a collaboration with blossomshop/stonefreefarm. Rosie designed and printed the logo. The materials in the bag are recycled. The retro prints that we are using on the back are vintage drapes/drapery fabric.

Toward the end of this month we plan to have a photo shoot at the farm. I hope to share those photos with you soon. Click on the photo if you want a close-up view of the fabulous fabric. Or find more pics here.

Friday, July 10, 2009


I've had this dress finished for awhile, but I'm slow getting the photos.
I used several different patterns to get the look that I wanted. The bodice top from one, skirt from another, and self drafted pockets.

I wanted you to see a close-up, as the fabric is really great. I am unsure of the era. The stylized flowers tend to suggest fifties. The width was also only 35". I am tempted to hem it up just a titch. It just feels a little long. Then again, sometimes it is just time to be done.
What do you think?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Chicks in a Limo

We spent the fourth cruising around in this limo. I am not however one of the "chicks" that this post is referring to.

Yes, these are the chicks.

This is my brother.
There were signs while we were growing up that he would be an eccentric. We were too young to understand or appreciate what would come. We missed some of those early warnings. I'm sure that most mothers do not get a call from the elementary school, asking that she make sure her son not bring any more mice pelts to school to sell to his classmates. There were other signs, but that's another very long post, on another day when you've got a huge chunk of time.
Disclaimer: I do not sanction the pelting/selling of mice, nor does does my long suffering mother.

Anyway... the crate on top of the limo is full of chicks. I know!!

So...Tony will bring your chicks to you in the limo.
Mom, did you ever think for one second that your son would turn out to be an eccentric chicken farmer? You probably expected something of the sort.

We had so much fun at The Chicken Ranch.

Fire up the limo Tone, you're having way too much fun. Our chicken pen is almost ready. We need some chickens of our own.