We spent the fourth cruising around in this limo. I am not however one of the "chicks" that this post is referring to.

This is my brother.
There were signs while we were growing up that he would be an eccentric. We were too young to understand or appreciate what would come. We missed some of those early warnings. I'm sure that most mothers do not get a call from the elementary school, asking that she make sure her son not bring any more mice pelts to school to sell to his classmates. There were other signs, but that's another very long post, on another day when you've got a huge chunk of time.
Disclaimer: I do not sanction the pelting/selling of mice, nor does does my long suffering mother.
Anyway... the crate on top of the limo is full of chicks. I know!!
Mice pelts? Wow, what a character - thanks for the entertainment!
I love this, l think he should open a limo hire company and call Chick Limo Hire, Ha Ha
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