Another lesson in never say never. As in; "I would never wear leg warmers." Enter leg warmers in yummy wool tweed. Who, I ask you could resist? Don't judge... it's cold in Colorado. I used them as a second pair of socks and tucked them into my boots. Yea, leg warmers!!
The skirt is a self drafted simple a-line. I had a remnant of vintage curtain fabric, that I fussy cut and appliqued on. I left the edges raw for that faintly distressed look.
The skirt is a self drafted simple a-line. I had a remnant of vintage curtain fabric, that I fussy cut and appliqued on. I left the edges raw for that faintly distressed look.
I took the time to do a lot of stitching detail. It doesn't really show unless you look real close. (Click on the photo)
I'm hanging out in the studio today, working on a fun Christmas gift - and yes, I'm wearing the legwarmers.
I'm hanging out in the studio today, working on a fun Christmas gift - and yes, I'm wearing the legwarmers.
Wow--gorgeous! And it's ok to wear legwarmers, as long as they're not those hideous things we wore in the 80s!
I love the applique! And I definitely notice the stitch detail. BTW, I am always tempted by legwarmers!
I have two pieces of corduroy sitting in my pile since my kids were babies. You've given me an idea for next winter.
It's so cold here, it's hard to imagine that it is warm in Australia.
That is some beautiful applique. Very nice sewing. And--leg warmers are in style. I've seen tons of them in the stores this season.
Lovely and inspirational!
that skirt is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous!
i'm soooo jealous!
good job!
(and I wear leg warmers when I can find them; they're usually stolen for my kids toys)
I LOVE it!!! What a great idea... I'll have to try that with some of my vintage fabric.
what a gorgeous skirt!!
confession? i have been wearing the same ridiculous skirt to church practically every week for... well, i'm not going to tell you how long. let's just say the timeframe is embarrassing. my excuse? i really, really, REALLY CAN *NOT* find a single skirt to purchase that i like!!
moral of the story? i like yours and i think i'm gonna make one!
end of story. sorry for making my comment a novel.
I found you through Wardrobe re-fashion blog. I love that skirt and you have a lovely blog so I'm following you. :-)
That is incredible fussy cutting. The skirt lokks great. Cherrie
THat skirt is very beautiful. My compliments!
Magnifique ! I like the applique! It's a nice winter skirt
Oh, wow. I really love everything about this outfit. That skirt is just beautiful.
Wow. That is some awesome applique work! And legwarmers are required, no apologies needed!
I have never considered wearing leg warmers. I think I may reconsider next winter, not that it gets that cold here... nice work
Love the skirt (and you're forgiven the leg warmers, because they sound delish). I know all about the joys of stitching things down for all eternity. I make jackets for a friend who designs them for horseshows. She designs it and I sew it, then she takes it home and puts ultrasuede designs all over it and sends it back for them to all be stitched down. A million hours later I get to send it back for the rhinestones to be put on. These are some CRAZY blinged out jackets
I LOVE that skirt, actually I love the entire outfit! I've had my eye on a certain corduroy skirt from Anthropologie, but yours might replace it on my wish list!
This is my very first comment in the blog world.weeeee.
I'm popping over from Wardrobe Refashion to say 'hi.' I love the skirt, the applique is fabulous! Definitely inspiration for a vintage corduroy skirt I have and plan to turn into a dress!
Hi there - I came over from Wardrobe Refashion, and stopped to crack up at the story about Daryl Hannah. Sigh. Yay Mom. I saw Beck go into a record store in Seattle once but all I could think of to say was "aren't you that "Loser" guy?" so I walked away instead.
I'm at www.sycamorecornercrafts.com if you want to come by..
Gorgeous gorgeous skirt! It turned out wonderfully.
Legwarmers are so wonderful! I don't have any for me...yet, but my daughters live in them.
Absolutely love this skirt - you always take such nice photos too. I am dying to find a really good A-line skirt pattern - they are so flattering. By the way, I love Japanese sewing books too. Have made a few and the fit much better on me than German or USA patterns.
Le swoon! I'm casting around for patterned fabric to make a applique RIGHT NOW.
Lovely, lovely work!
Love your beautiful stitchery - just gorgeous! :)
Such a lovely idea! I have always been rather scared of applique - this is so pretty it might make me give it a go!
I looove you'r blog! Really beautiful. Hugs
Saw this over at WR and just had to come over and tell you how much I love it! Fabulous job!
I Love, Love, Love it! All that fussy cutting and laborious stitching really paid off! It looks fab! Got to love corduroy too.
Absolutely beautiful. I love skirts and I have plenty of vintage floral curtains and tablecloths. I am going to use your skirt as my inspiration and see what I come up with
Lovely, just lovely. I have a tweed-like skirt waiting in my refashion stash, it may receive vintage applique flowers too.
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