I was prompted to share my thoughts regarding zippers when I read this post. Gertie addresses the invisible zipper issue.
Here's my official position. When I put a zipper in the side seam, I reach for an invisible zip. As hard as I try I cannot keep everything as flat as I'd like with any other method of insertion. I have tried. Believe me I've tried, because I hate invisible zippers. I love them in concept, but hate the plastic teeth and find them very poorly made. I'd choose a vintage zipper over new every time. Besides they come in such yummy colors. How about poppy, tango, mignonette, temple gold, moss green, frosty blue, devil red, mulberry, toast....
I have never tried inserting an invisible zip. The idea scares me to death. I must say I totally preferred the zip foot on my 30 year old Elna. The modern Brother one just doesn't cut it. Maybe that is why some have trouble with insertions. Cherrie
Gosh, I love invisible zippers! I think the secret to a good installation is to iron the coils VERY flat and just use the foot the zipper manufacturer provides. I find them to be one of the easiest things to sew. You need to use fusible interfacing in the zipper area and don't ever sew the seam first. Beautiful!
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