This is a reproduction of a much loved (threadbare) vintage dress. I took the dress apart to use it as a pattern. I wasn't able to completely replicate the skirt. The original was much fuller than the skirt I ended up with here. For the skirt I used the remaining fabric and just applied it dirndl style using small pleats instead of gathers. Although not petticoat worthy, I like it.

I lightened the last photos up a little to show off the fabric. It's a vintage cotton eyelet that I've been saving for a special project. Since I knew the dress would fit I wasn't afraid to cut into the fabric. I have huge issues cutting into vintage fabric that I really like. I worry that once the fabric is gone it's gone forever. I'm turning into a hoarder. I'm working on that.
vintage inspired dress
vintage slip
self drafted petticoat
vintage shoes 50's
vintage singer sewing machine in cute carrying case
reproduction hat box
vintage inspired dress
vintage slip
self drafted petticoat
vintage shoes 50's
vintage singer sewing machine in cute carrying case
reproduction hat box
Gorgeous dress. I love the way you styled the photo too.
The neckline is beautiful.
I love that scalloped neckline. That's something you don't see anymore, probably due to "quick and easy" sewing mindset.
Lovely Melynda!
Angie I haven't given up on posting. I thought I'd wait until I got the current vintage dress I'm working on finished.
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