A couple of fun things to do with vintage tablecloths. Serve cherry pie made in a cast iron skillet on top of them. Or...

cut up the stained ones and make a skirt.
This skirt is made using a modified version of Simplicity 2410. I lengthened and changed the shape of the gores. This is a fairly quick and straightforward sew.
I've seen several friends blog posts recently referring to piping. Here is my own little version.
Piping to match your project is so easy to make. When you make your own instead of relying on the ready made versions, you choose the fabric and you also get to choose the size of the cording.
Notice how I just used the word friend so casually? I am always amazed and inspired by this sharing community. There are so many talented people (and many I'm sure that I've never visited) doing the most amazing things. It means a lot that you've taken the time to come over and see what I'm up to. I enjoy your comments so much. In fact a couple of times I cracked up the whole day (you know who you are).
So my friends... a big virtual hug and I wish I could have you over for pie.