For day 1 of the MMM challenge I pulled out this western day dress that I made up a couple of years ago.
This pattern is an early one, before pattern companies printed on the pattern tissue. I didn't check the date (online) and it is not printed on the pattern, but I'm sure that it is from the forties. I think the shoes from that era are divine.

Here's a close-up of the western yoke. The fabric is a reproduction. It is quilters weight cotton. Originally I thought to make this dress from actual feed cloth fabric. Then when I looked into it, I realized that if I was lucky enough to find enough feed sacks to match - I wouldn't have been able to afford the price. Feed sacks have become quite collectible. Quilters cotton has a similar hand and a little coarseness that I thought came as close as I was going to get. I have a little collection of feed sacks that I'll show you sometime.
Oooooh, my love for reproduction fabrics is growing ... I love this dress!
Thanks for the comments on my blog - about the skirt with the large blue roses, unfortunately I thrifted that skirt in San Francisco and have no idea where to find similar fabric! I hope you find another source though.
Oh it's so cute. I know, it's so hard to find enough feedsacks for a dress, plus the $$. But there are so many repro prints like this one, which is super cute.
Cute! Lovely dress, the printed fabric looks great in that style and I like the rick-rack trim. Excellent with cowboy boots!
I'm doing Me-Made-May as well, look forward to seeing your outfits for the month!
Oh wow! I LOVE it, particularly the styling with the boots. Well done! Holy cow!
Oh I love this!! I wish you'd add it to We Sew Vintage, its freaking ADORABLE!!
Oh I LOVE this!!
Do you sell copies of patterns anywhere? Your blog is so inspirational...love it ALL!
Can't wait to see more. :)
(from Refashion Co-op)
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