A refashioned skirt to go with the Hollywood corset.
This skirt is loosely based on a vogue pattern. It is not a pattern made for knits, but well, here you have it. Whack up five t-shirts, make the skirt a couple sizes smaller than what you'd normally wear. Applique a vintage hankie on the front. Leave the hem for a distressed/deconstructed look. Throw a bit of elastic in the waistband (uh, haven't quite got to that part yet).
Now, you can only name your outfit Hollywood corset if you take your photos next to a bar called The Hollywood. We kicked the beer bottles and dog poo out of our photos, but feel free to leave them, as it does add a certain authenticity to your photo shoot.
credit for the great outfit name goes to my model
love the corset! overall very sophisticated styling. like the 80's updated.
Hey -
I responded to your email about how to draft this...never heard anything back. Did you get my email?
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