Way to go Isaspacey, erlthegirl, Doris, Stephanie, and lorrwill the corset guess was right on. The wool is recycled from a men's suit jacket. I used the front which was already interfaced and saved a step. Inserting the grommets was a little scary. When you put a hole in the garment this large there is no moving it over just a hair.
I also got a comment from Scrappinfor3 she wondered if it might be the look for less... and it should be. That project is all cut out and sitting on my sewing table. Sometimes the ideas come way faster than I can implement them. Maybe I just have the crafty version of ADD.
so so cool... I like it!
Kewl! I definitely have crafting ADD. What pattern did you use for this? I have it in my twisted little mind to knock off a waist cincher that I coveted from Phoebe/Charmed season 4? 5? 6? it has been a zillion years ago but I still want that corset/cincher.
gorgeous! very straight lines with those grommets. I'd love to see a tutorial if you ever find the time.
toooo coool! Very nice.
The corset is not made using a commercial pattern. It is made with hourglass shaped panels. It is way easier than it sounds. If you still have your photo, I would be happy to help.
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